• Immersive Training Programs (On-Site Workshops)

At NIPTD, we understand that continuous development of human resources is crucial for organizations aiming to stay competitive and adapt to ever-changing internal and external challenges. To facilitate this, we offer immersive on-site training programs designed to enable participants to concentrate fully on the learning material and unlock their complete potential.

Our programs are delivered by a team of distinguished faculty and industry experts. These sessions are enriched with a variety of practical exercises such as case studies, role-plays, management simulations, and other interactive techniques, ensuring a comprehensive hands-on learning experience. Beyond technical and subject-specific training, our programs also focus on honing the overall managerial competencies of the participants.

These immersive training programs are particularly effective as they allow employees to disengage from their regular work responsibilities and fully dedicate their time and energy to the training. Participants also benefit from the diverse perspectives shared by peers from different organizations, fostering a collaborative learning environment. NIPTD’s training programs are versatile, catering to individual employees or groups from one or more organizations. Scheduled periodically, these programs aim to keep the business community abreast of the latest industry standards, policies, procedures, and essential technical and managerial skills.

By choosing NIPTD’s immersive training programs, organizations can ensure that their teams are well-equipped to meet contemporary challenges with confidence and competence.

  • Tailored Training Solutions (In-house Workshops)

Recognizing that each organization has its distinct set of human resource needs, NIPTD offers tailored training programs specifically designed to develop the skills of employees within a particular organization. Our process begins with a comprehensive assessment of the organization, including a review of its manuals, historical data, and various technical, financial, and other relevant reports.

Based on this detailed analysis, we craft a customized training program that addresses any identified gaps.

The key advantage of these tailored training solutions is that they provide employees with a focused curriculum aligned with their organization’s unique requirements, offering deep insights into relevant topics. These programs foster team spirit among employees and are also cost-effective. Combining both theoretical knowledge and practical applications, our training includes specially designed case studies and exercises for a robust learning experience.

NIPTD assists organizations in selecting an optimal mix of trainees to ensure the highest impact from the program. These tailored workshops can be conducted either on-site at the organization or as specialized residential training sessions.

To facilitate the effective implementation of the techniques learned during training, NIPTD provides organizations with a detailed action plan. We also offer follow-up training sessions to address any issues that arise post-training, ensuring sustained improvement and effectiveness.

By choosing NIPTD’s tailored training solutions, organizations can ensure their employees receive precise, relevant training that directly contributes to organizational goals and team cohesion.

  • Third-Party Audits of Sou- Moto Disclosure under RTI Act for Public Authorities by NIPTD


In adherence to the Government’s directives under the Right to Information (RTI) Act, NIPTD facilitates comprehensive third-party audits for public authorities. These audits aim to assess and enhance compliance with proactive disclosure guidelines outlined in Section 4 of the RTI Act. Initially introduced on April 15, 2013, these guidelines mandate Central Ministries and Departments to proactively disclose governance-related information. State Governments have also been encouraged to adopt similar guidelines, alongside providing templates for disclosure at various administrative levels, thereby promoting transparency and accountability in governance.

Scope and Methodology

NIPTD conducts both online and offline audits to accommodate the diverse needs of public authorities. Our audit process begins with an in-depth analysis of the self-appraisal reports submitted by the concerned public authorities. These reports serve as foundational documents, offering insights into the organization’s compliance with RTI disclosure norms.

For online audits, NIPTD leverages secure digital platforms to review documentation, verify online disclosures, and conduct virtual interviews with key personnel. This approach ensures efficiency and accessibility, enabling thorough assessment without geographical constraints.

In cases requiring an offline audit, our certified auditors visit the premises of the public authority to conduct on-site inspections, review physical documents, and interact directly with relevant stakeholders. This method facilitates a hands-on evaluation of compliance practices and allows for detailed scrutiny of operational processes.

Reporting and Compliance

Following the audit, NIPTD prepares comprehensive audit reports detailing findings, compliance levels, and recommendations for improvement. These reports are structured to provide actionable insights aimed at enhancing transparency and governance effectiveness within the audited public authority.

Implementation Support

NIPTD remains committed to supporting public authorities in implementing audit recommendations effectively. This includes offering guidance on corrective actions, conducting follow-up sessions, and providing continuous advisory services to ensure sustained compliance with RTI disclosure obligations.

Open, In house Workshops & Third Party Audits can also be organised online (WEBINAR) as per the requirement.

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